Monday, July 10, 2006

Welcome to Mumbai! I am starting this new blog based totally and completely on Mumbai. I reached here on 20th June 2006 and left immediately for Goa! Goa is another story(will tell sometime later). Came back on 23rd morning and joined my first job. Job is well fine but the best part is that they are giving us accommodation! (generous firm). After reading the 'shared-bachelor-accommodation' bit, I was a little disappointed to say the least. Then at the end of the first day, they gave us(we were four us living together) the keys of our apartment. The address was Maneck mahal, Juhutara road. I said to myself 'blah it's not even juhu...what the fuck is juhutara!' (suddenly memories of a very sweet girl, I used to date, with a similarly sounding name came to my mind). So we started our journey through the Mumbiya-hellish-traffic (It's really bad). After a two hour of asking every passerby the address, we finally reached our home. And after 5 mins I said Good god! It's a 7 storied apartment block right at the Juhu beach!!! My apartment is on the fifth floor and has a great view of the city and the slums around :P!, though there is also a glimpse of the beach :). All excited, I called my sister and told her that I got a flat at Juhu beach. She was all jealous (mu hahaha!). Few days later she told me that her mumbaiya friends told her that at Juhu people can't even find a toilet!!, how come your brother found such a big flat!(I told her that it's insanely huge...not completely false though). So much for the first day! rest later